Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Dec 14, 2004

The happiest moment in my life just flashed before my very eyes, the feeling of content and completeness has just been felt, the waiting is over and a new chapter is to be written for these new pages in my blog. New stories to tell, new experiences to write, new questions to be answered.

The happiest day of my life has finally arrived the moment that she said I Love You... it was the most endearing 5 seconds of silence and excitement that I had just felt and wow how it was so cool.

I promise that every chapter of our lives that we will write would be the best and even the ups and downs I promise I will always be there and make this work...

I love you so much... Thank you for believing in me

1 comment:

Mitchvee said...

So far so good Miguel...

Everything is pefect. I love you very very much.