Friday, December 10, 2004


Fear is what most people feel when they worry too much or might have experienced bad memories, Its the guilt that makes us so weak inside when things dont go the right way or when we think to much that makes our minds explode. I wrote this entry not because I'm in fear but sometimes I feel it all the time and it makes me wonder that one day it would eventually eat me up, I hate the feeling but it seems it wont easily go away...

1 comment:

Mitchvee said...

I feel fear all the time too. Sometimes I think and think about something and get scared about it so much that I am left doing nothing. Just remember, never ever let fear take over you. Fear will always be there but you can always overcome it. It should never stop you from doing something that you think should be done. And if in times, you still feel scared...I'll always be here for you to hold your hand, comfort you and hopefully help you get through it as well.